Reducing 62% of our Emissions

At Industria Chiquibul, we are committed to the environment and reducing emissions in all our operations. Based on this commitment, we do annual registries of all types of emissions generated from the field, plant, and export terminal to calculate the company’s total emissions, using the Methodology of the Renewable Energy Directive of the European Union.

With the completion of the Biodigesters project in May 2023, our emissions per ton of CPO decreased from 580 kg of C02/MT of CPO to approximately 220 kg of CO2/MT of CPO. This consists of a 62% reduction in emissions and a 96% reduction in process emissions. Do you want to learn more about how our STAR system works and the roll of the Biodigesters and oxidation ponds in the process? Visit our YouTube channel at the following link.

It is our commitment to the Planet and Sustainable Development to reduce emissions and clean energy use within our operations. We are a company committed to the environment, innovating everday to maximize the productivity of our plantation and processing mill.

We are the Drop that Drives Development! #wearechiquibul
