Good labor practices and trainings.

At Industria Chiquibul we are committed to the occupational health and safety and constant training of our collaborators. During the past week our team has been organizing trainings on good agricultural practices to our field collaborators in accordance with our sustainability policy and our commitment to good labor practices. Some of the topics that are covered during these trainings are:

  • Training on the proper use of agrochemicals at the time of field application and proper handling during storage, disposal, and transfer to Agrequima for proper waste recycling and usage. 
  • The correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and its importance when handling chemical products. 
  • The correct use and calibration of pump nozzles used to apply phytosanitary products and a comprehensive approach to pest management.

During trainings, we cover these topics through lectures and interactive activities to keep workers engaged and maximize their learning and attention. At Industria Chiquibul our goal is to keep labor practices trainings going on throughout the year to assure good understanding, practice and learning of our collaborators. 

We are the drop that drive development #somoschiquibul
