Sustainable Development


Industria Chiquibul has a Sustainability Policy and a Human Rights Policy centered on equal conditions for all its workers, ensuring a safe and respectful work environment.

e are committed to promote a safe, inclusive, and respectful work environment for everyone, without prejudice or discrimination against men and women.


Industria Chiquibul recognizes its responsibility and commitment to environmental protection and climate change mitigation.

We strive to minimize the environmental impact of all operations and promote sustainable practices in all our activities.


Industria Chiquibul promotes sustainable development by being transparent and accountable, ensuring compliance with national and international regulations and legal standards that apply to its entire supply chain and industrial operations.


A Responsible Team, the Motor of Our Company

We offer dignified employment, respecting human rights and the inclusion of all our workers. We adhere to international agreements of the ILO and United Nations.

Human Rights and Dignified Employment

Up to 3000 jobs generated during high season
+ 100

Health and Medical Journeys

Medical Journeys

Along the year, we coordinate multiple medical journeys around different communities, giving employees and their families access to different medical specializations to address their needs. 


Industria Chiquibul owns three clinics that provide free healthcare to workers and community members in three different areas, we donate medicines to patients to complete their treatments. Additionally, the company has an ambulance to transfer patients who require it.

Recurrent Training and Risk Reduction

Periodic training and constant provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to all employees, create a safer work environment as part of our efforts to comply with Occupational Health and Safety standards.

Our goal is to reduce risks and workplace accidents that could affect our human capital.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

Following international protocols and standards, we are committed to reduce health and risks in our operations.

We have a customized Management System that allows us to identify and control risks, create safety procedures, incident reports, and provide ongoing training to our staff.


Promoting Development, Being Thoughtful to the Planet

Industria Chiquibul recognizes its responsibility and commitment to environmental protection and climate change mitigation. We strive to minimize the environmental impact of all operations and promote sustainable practices in all our activities.

To ensure a strong and responsible environmental policy, multiple commitments and practices have been established to protect and preserve natural resources.


STAR System

Each one of our 16,000 m3 biodigesters contribute to our green footprint, reducing carbon emissions and atmospheric impact.

The use of this technology greatly reduces oil losses, resulting in greater operation efficiency.

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Responsible Water Management

Our extraction mill uses technology that minimize the use of water consumption. The used water comes from company’s private owned wells, complying with industry standards to ensure quality in the process.


Reforestation Journeys

To protect our nature and environment, we have reforestation plans that allow the recovery of areas that, over time and due to human activity, have been affected by the degradation of forest presence.

Commitment to the environment, our company has acquired more than 1500 units of six native species intended for reforestation, contributing to the recovery of the area's biodiversity, and allowing the fixation of CO2.

Energy and Circular Economy

We use the most of each of our by-products.

Our mill boiler is powered by the fiber left from the extraction process and the shell of the palm fruit nut.

Vertical sterilizers

Contamos con esterilizadores verticales que nos permiten disminuir significativamente el uso de vapor en la etapa de esterilización del fruto dado que, a diferencia de los esterilizadores horizontales, hay mejor absorción de vapor, un menor consumo de agua en nuestra planta de beneficio y a su vez nos permite recuperar el agua utilizada para reincorporarla posteriormente al proceso de extracción de aceite. El uso de esta tecnología reduce en gran medida las pérdidas de aceite, lo que se traduce en una mayor eficiencia.

Flora, Fauna, and Conservation Areas

Committed to preserve local species of flora and fauna that are in situations of rarity, threat, danger, extinction, and endemism. Industria Chiquibul, through good practices such as semi-annual visits by preservation-specialized biologists, seeks to promote and ensure the survival of biological biodiversity, prohibiting all types of hunting, capture, and extraction of plants and trees in conservation areas. Many of these species are migratory, protected, and considered important for Guatemala’s biodiversity preservation.

In recent years, we have implemented protection and reforestation programs to preserve species and biodiversity. These programs include periodic evaluations of riparian areas and bodies of water, monitoring of biodiversity and species within plantations, and evaluations of flora in High Conservation Value areas.


A Friendly Community, We Are Good Neighbors

We are more than a company; it is our essence to be the drop that drives development in the region and its surrounding communities.

Beyond our operations, we are committed to initiatives that strengthen education, generate local employment, and promote social well-being. We believe in mutual growth, where each of our actions contribute to sustainable and meaningful progress for all the stakeholders involved.

Food Projects

Reiterating our commitment to Food Security in the regions of Alta Verapaz and Petén, in March 2023, Industria Chiquibul introduced its Subsistence Agriculture and Family Gardens Program. The main objective of the program is to provide the opportunity for neighboring communities to plant and harvest family gardens with basic basket crops that can be used for personal consumption or to generate income through local businesses.

The program also aims to promote the inclusion and empowerment of women by providing them with technical support to manage their crops with good agricultural practices.

Health Projects

We thrive to give back to our surrounding communities who are the motor and workforce of our business, offering them free medical journeys every year to give health attention and assistance.

Likewise, in collaboration with national health institutions and municipalities, we conduct awareness campaigns for our employees related to topics such as HIV, STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases), and family planning.

Asimismo, en conjunto con el área de salud de las municipalidades realizamos jornadas de concientización a nuestros colaboradores dentro de nuestras instalaciones relacionados a temas como VIH, ETS (Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual) y planificación familiar.

Education Projects

We believe that education is a keystone in our personal development; that's why, to ensure greater access and better-quality education, we support public schools with 22 teachers in our area of influence.

We also have an adult alphabetization program, alongside with CONALFA, to provide our collaborators with greater opportunities for career growth. 

Sports and Culture Projects

We contribute to the comprehensive development of our surrounding communities through dedicated programs supporting recreational and sports activities and cultural events.

We also provide direct support in the construction of soccer fields, fostering religious and local cultural activities.

Roads and Infrastructure

As part of our social commitment to people, their prosperity, and socio-economic development, at Industria Chiquibul, we perform monthly maintenance of roads and municipal infrastructure around 24 communities in our area of influence in the northern regions of Alta Verapaz and Petén.
